Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Get up

Wheat Berries
I buy wheat berries by the bulk at the local co-op.  If you soak a few cups of them overnight, then boil them up in the morning, they puff and become hot breakfast cereal.   Wheat berries pack a punch of fiber and whole grain goodness so try this instead of cereal in the morning.  It is great with a little brown sugar, soy milk, and fresh fruit.

Get up
The more you are up and about, the healthier you will be.   Try these tips at work or home to improve your waistline and your "good" cholesterol levels:
1. Use the bathroom farthest away from you.
2. Whenever you are on the phone, make sure you are walking.
3. Move your printer out of reach while sitting at your computer.
4. Always get up to greet people when they enter your "space";  even those pesky kids.
5. Park as far away from the door as possible.
6. Remove the batteries from your TV remotes.  (I need to work on this one)

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